Hey folks,
So let me get right into this. Last night all the Roberto fans rejoiced as she picked him to go on the first one on one date of the night. One thing is for sure about Roberto--he makes that girl giddy. She is like a silly little school girl around him. She definitely has the hots for him! Before I get to my opinions of the date---let me go on record saying that I believe Ali is full of it when it comes to her fear of flying. If you really are as terrified of flying you don't plan for helicopters and private jets to take you on dates and then suspend in the air on a high wire! LIAR! Okay...now that I've aired that...let's talk about how the date went. I think it went very well and what a smart dude to make sure his first kiss with Ali is 20 stories in the air with all that adrenalin pumping. Now that's the way you become memorable. I also want to state that I was not a Roberto fan (as you all know)---but this date changed that for me a bit. I think they really like one another and there really isn't anything bad about him. He seems sweet, cultured, genuine...so okay...have at it. You can "Dame un beso", too! If he's the fool who ends up having a girlfriend... I WILL BE SHOCKED. So she pins her little rose on his chest and then proceeds to cuddle and make out and well...that pretty much sums up the date.
Okay, the next day---the group date.
I was busting up at the reaction of the men when they were dropped off in a "sketchy" part of town. I think my favorite Cape Cod Chris...uttered the words, "This place is where you imagine a gang war will break out!" Oh you silly little white boy from Mass.--don't be scared. I'll protect you. I'm glad he got a date with her but I'm still waiting for a one on one with him. I think they probably have quite a bit in common but it's so hard to see her into anyone but Roberto.
Okay so back to the date---apparently, they will be starring in a music video for Bare Naked Ladies (sure they are)--cause that video pretty much sucked...so I'm sure they will re shoot. with real actors later on--- but similar to the Jillian season this gave Ali a chance to make out with a few of the guys. The ones I will mention are obvious--the Weatherman (I'm already cringing), Kirk (major make out scene), Cape Cod (hamina hamina), and Frank (Mr. Unemployed, himself).
So first...let's discuss the crazy little pansy---Weatherman. Oh my goodness. He is so gay! You're freaking out about a kiss? Sheesh...some guys got slapped all night and you have to whisper to Ali to not do this? PATHETIC! It was painful to see her have to make the move on him since he got all 8 years old on her! Then that very awkward conversation they had on the couch after the date where he said he'd like to go somewhere in private to have a real first kiss and he was DENIED. Okay, maybe they were interrupted but she would have denied him had Forehead not gotten her out of that mess.
Next up was the major kissing scene with Kirk---ewww...that guy grosses me out. I'm not sure what it is but they were definitely into the scene and never even heard the director yell, "CUT!" I wasn't too surprised he got the rose of the evening. Even though they had good physical chemistry--I'm not too concerned about him.
A quick note about Cape Cod---his back is hot, too!!! I liked that they had a little more time together but still worried that there isn't enough between them.
Finally, our little first ever one on one date boy, Frank---he was sweating bullets this episode. All slaps and no kisses for you buddy! LOL
The next day...we find out that Ali decides to take Mango---ooops I mean Hunter out on a date at her house (that right there should have told you that you're not worth the money and effort to plan a real date)--but anyway...what a waste of an alone date. Did she really need a one on one with him to see she was not interested in him??? Really?? BUT...before we even got to that sad excuse for a date---we see our cripple make a major move in walking a couple sweaty miles to her house. (Well...at least that's what the show wants us to think---cause seriously he would be much sweatier and smellier if that actually happened!) He looked pretty high and dry to me. Not even one bead of sweat on his brow. That whole gesture was a little interesting to me. Okay, fine..you want to play hard ball and get her attention---okay but do you really need to make little snide comments to the guys about how you would totally walk to her house if you could and then tease Mango about how awesome it would be to go to her house? No wonder the dudes hate you. I don't know what to make of him anymore. He's crying one minute, then cussing the next...drama=NOT FOR ME!
As for the Mango date...AWKWARD---I'm glad she cut him loose when she did cause that whole segment was so painful to watch. There was nothing there! NOTHING. And as if that wasn't bad enough, when she did tell him there is nothing romantic between them, Mango asks, "Is there anything I can do to change that?" UH NO...just say, it was nice meeting you and best of luck and MOVE ON...don't make this rejection worse! PLEASE!
The cocktail party before elimination...
Well, it was your typical...gang up on the wrestler party---notice my boy Cape Cod stays out of that drama...LOVE IT!
What I thought was beyond bogus was that bull of Ali telling Roberto, "You know, Justin walked to my house, right? Oh wait...you didn't know? I thought for sure he told you guys?" REALLY??? Come on...That was so planned and it was so ridiculous! Well, once the boys got a hold of that bit of news things got very "emotional". I was shocked that tattoo Jesse chose to wear DENIM from head to toe and comb his bangs forward! Ewww...he went down a couple notches for me...then and there!
So...the two to hit the road was the other twin...John and the poor curly haired fool that couldn't open the champagne bottle. I wish these guys would be a little more manly about rejection. Why can't they say, "She's a nice gal, I would have loved to have a connection with her, but it just wasn't there. I wish her the best of luck and I hope I can find someone I care about." BAM---walk away with your head held high...not all mopey and weepy...
Still majorly shocked that DEAF boy is still there and it looks like we'll have a little bit of his craziness come through next week. Woo hoo. In this episode where he mentioned how jealous he was that he couldn't be on the music date...because he would love to have Ali hear him sing...I WAS DYING! DYING! And guess what folks??...we "hear" him sing next week! LOL!!!
Also, majorly bummed that Forehead and Weatherman is still in the mix...but their days are so numbered. Do they seriously think they stand a chance? SERIOUSLY!!!!
So folks, I think the top contenders for Ali's heart are:
Roberto, Cape Cod, Frank, and now that fool Kirk
We shall see...
There are some major spoilers in this weeks People...but I won't ruin it for you!! My DVR cut out before I saw the clip for next week...are you serious??? Deaf boy sings??? I can't wait for that!!