Hey guys, I'm back and ready to tear this show apart...so as Ali would say, "Let's get this cocktail party started".
First off, I was a little surprised that Frank got the first one on one...there is something about him I just don't like. Well, at least that's how I felt when she first asked him to go on the date and then as the date progressed I was okay with him. I think he reminds me too much of Jason Meschnik--that constant smile---something...I'll figure it out. The whole date was sort of a bust---big deal...walk the Hollywood stars? I mean really---the car breaks down, then you go to look at Hollywood---only to see that Ali is some what of an attention whore. She knew she would be recognized and if by some chance she wasn't recognized, the humongo entourage of camera men and sound crew probably gave it away that something was happening right before the people of LA. Then the whole Hollywood sign---looks like it's a good thing Hef forked over the necessary cash to save the sign or there might be construction going on up there.
While Ali and Frank are on their..."ohhhh so romantic date--NOT" The guys back at the house---never fail to disappoint. Whoever says men aren't as catty as women ARE WRONG!!!! There is nothing more unattractive than men getting way competitive with one another. It's one thing when you're playing sports...but when you're wooing someone...no thanks.
So first up---Craig-FOREHEAD is on my absolute last nerve. There are 3 guys that annoyed me last night---Forehead, Weatherman and Whoa Hair---but of all those 3--believe it or not Forehead irritated me the most. Who the heck does that fool think he is? Get over the fact, that Rated R didn't tell you he was a pro wrestler...since when is he your BFF? hmmm?? I mean really, most guys on night one try to do something that makes them stand apart from the crowd. All he did was wear a shirt that had his wrestler name---he didn't lie to anyone! In fact, wasn't it night one that Rated R told them he was a pro wrestler??? Uh yeah...I think it was. Maybe he wanted Ali to know first. Sheesh buddy...CHILLAX!
And before any of you get crazy--I hated Whoa Hair and Weatherman, too.
First Whoa Hair...what an absolute ASS. What a freaking button pushing bully---TURN OFF! What was the point in making the guy with tattoos (Jesse) feel inadequate because of them. What's it to you? Then the whole picking on the weather guy...I know he's annoying but geez Hair...lay off a bit.
Now on to Weatherman---Oh my goodness---JUST SHUT UP! Fine..you want to be the guy to tell Ali that we have an ass in the house--fine...but do you need to talk about him the entire time you talk to Ali. Clearly this guy didn't watch previous seasons---cause the good guy that comes clean to sell out the bad guy---never wins the girl in the end. You have officially taken yourself off the potential boyfriend block and put yourself on the best buddy block. Idiot! All the brown belts in the world won't help you win this Karate match! Oh and Michael Jackson called from the grave and he wants his white jacket back!
Now on the the group date-
Let's first discuss how our resident cripple was hopping around on the sand---geez louise buddy---put a freaking trash bag on your leg and give me some piece of mind regarding the sand factor. Although, my best friend did mention how uncool it was for her to make him hop all the way down to the water---only to tell them we're going back up to the house for a photo shoot. Yeah...that was pretty sucky!
The calendar was a pretty stupid idea---who the heck would want a calendar with those losers? For those that dressed up without any complaining--good for you---for those that whined and complained...AKA Weatherman---oh just suck it up and be a sport.
We had one fool---Kirk--who didn't say much all night, except for when Ali brushed his leg in one of the photos...the dude said, "It was great experiencing that intimacy with her"--HUH? EASY turbo--it's just your leg.
Ty and his guitar---oh boy...the boys are not gonna like that. In fact, Mr. Forehead reared his ugly (and I do mean ugly) head--just as I suspected. I'm not too terribly impressed with divorced Ty--at least not yet. So what if you can sing...
Second one on one with Jesse-
For a small town boy---I was shocked that he knew Ali was wearing skinny jeans. Also, I got soooo annoyed how impressed he was that she was driving a Ferrari. Uh, hello...it's an automatic. Anyone can drive that! Had it been a stick I really would have been impressed. I loved his reaction to the oyster, I liked his enthusiasm for being there, and I hated her dress during dinner! SO NOT FLATTERING! He is a cute dude but I'm not sure they have enough in common.
Now on to the cocktail party before the elimination begins--
1. Frank...you already feel like a couple??? Ease up buddy...ease up.
2. Cape Cod Chris (my favorite---he is so good looking) had me really nervous. His conversation with her started out great and then he got all excited and hyper. I'm glad the conversation ended when it did--cause I could see it heading downhill and FAST.
3. Rico Suave--Roberto---sorry ladies---I just don't see it.
4. Deaf Dude---that fool got robbed of some alone time with Ali. Good thing, too cause I can't imagine listening to that voice for more than 2 seconds.
5. Weatherman-OH MY GOODNESS, there you go again using your one on one time to tattle on Whoa Hair--and then I loved the effect of having Weatherman in the shadows mad dogging...yeah that's right...I said Mad dogging...Whoa Hair. ---PURE COMEDY!
6. Whoa Hair---the conversation she had with him was beyond awkward. He kept looking away and his eyes would get all crazy big---weirdo!
Now...the results---One of the twins (read previous post to see who I'm referring to--got booted off---the one that looked like he got in a fight...he had a freaking knot on his head and scratch by his eye.
Also, I think I was most shocked she kept FOREHEAD and Weatherman---although, as much as I hate the Weatherman---It was so perfect that he got to stick around and Whoa Hair was humiliated in that way. Who's laughing now, jerk??? AMERICA!
Well folks...that's it for now...
Signing off--
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