Monday, January 17, 2011

2 weeks in 1

Sorry I missed last week but I'm sure you'll all agree that really the only two things worth bringing up from last week are:
1. Brad got rid of 2 drama queens in one mighty swoop...see ya manscaper and psycho blonde---it was a good decision.
2. Michelle???---Did you turn 30 last week? I missed that (enter major sarcasm)---seriously--get over it. Guess what I did for my 30th? Oh that's right...I was recovering from giving BIRTH!!! So please...just shut it. You get to be on TV on an all expenses paid adventure for your 3oth---you total NUT BALL! I can't stand that chick (but more on her in this week's recap)

So...on to this week...
1st date---Uh...I really have nothing mean to say about his first impression rose pick Ashley. She seems sweet and nice and there seems to be nothing drama about her. I like that. The only question that I'm left with is---Heidi Klum is married to Seal?!?! I don't think I'll ever quite understand that mystery. But hey...more power to ya.

Group date--Michelle annoys me to the total brink of insanity...she's really killing me. You know what else is annoying??? That every season they do a "movie scene" as if it's an original idea! Come's so stupid! But...I do agree that the funeral director Chantel deserved the rose. She kicked butt on set (literally)!

2nd date with America's favorite, Emily--I really like her. It took her a while to put herself out there but to me, that shows maturity. She's also incredibly sweet and there is this presence about her that just makes everyone else look stupid. I think that chick said it best (I'm not sure which one it was but it went something like this) "She's this mini Barbie with a soul like Mother Teresa". I hope it works out for her...whether it's with Brad or someone else.

OMG---what the heck is that crap about? Really? WE GET IT BRAD---You're on the road to self discovery. You've mentioned you're in therapy like once or twice---but that total time waster was so ridiculous! I forwarded right through it. I so love DVR!!!!

Okay some surprises-
1. I can't believe it...but Fangs actually became very likable to me during this episode. I was really sad to see her go. do you compete with the Emily's of the world.?--I know she said that she can't stand the thought of taking someone's spot who really has their heart out on their sleeve and although that might be true--I bet she did fear rejection. Whatever it is--her choice was a good one. She may not have found love with Brad, but she at least left the show claiming back the dignity she sooooo lost night one! Good luck Fangs. You'll find you're man out there---and when you do...please please leave the fangs for your kinky bedroom shenanigans.
2. I can't believe he kept Michelle...I'm sure he's got to be a tad annoyed with her. She's annoyed everyone else!
3. I'm liking the other non-funeral director Chantel at the moment...not sure why---but she's okay for the moment.
4. Does anyone out there really still wear anything but waterproof mascara? Come on REJECTED girl at the end...what cheap Wet and Wild mascara are you wearing?

I guess that about covers it--tune in next week.

Don't forget...stop and smell the roses,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Episode One...let's meet the gals.

Welcome back crazy Bachelor Fanatics! Only true fans would continue to watch this train wreck of a show that can't even think of a new idea so they bring back a dude who failed the first time...
So my friends... before we officially begin, I need to set a couple things straight.

First off, I feel it's only fair that I put this out there for all the readers so that I might be cut a little slack. A lot has changed in Lin-daffodile's world. I now have 2 kiddos and life is unpredictable. The nights of predictable bed times and routines is SOOOO bare with me on the timeliness of this thing-a-ma-jig.
Secondly, I don't work anymore access to a computer is not quite as "in your face" so...forgive me if my blog isn't ready for viewing first thing Tuesday morning. know.
And finally---because my quiet house might quickly turn to a crying house...I might have to make these puppies short.

AND NOW...for the real reason you're reading this. Let's get this party started baby!

General thoughts and concerns:
1. Okay...I never watched the Brad season so I really don't hate the guy at all. What's wrong with the fact that he didn't pick a chick that he obviously didn't love at the end? If he didn't love them...he didn't pick them...sheesh. Would pulling a Jake Pavelblah been better? Let me pick an ididot that is soooo wrong for me and then let's break up 2 weeks later. I respect you Brad...well..I did until you agreed to do this again.

2. However, therapy or not (he did say he went to therapy, right?--or did I imagine he said it oh I don't know...a ZILLION times---we get it!)...what kind of guy would do this again? I never watched take one of the Mack but I do remember the macklash (heh heh heh) so seriously, this fool must be a glutton for pain and suffering. Of course he'll pick someone in the end THIS TIME...but that won't guarantee squat.

3. Was it really necessary to have the two rejected women come back for an apology? Oh pah-lese...we saw their sparkling diamonds...they've moved on and so have we and that was just cheesiness! In fact...
"You're breaking my heart!...You all feel good about that?"
--- Deanna Papas, Bachelorette season 4?

Now let's talk about these gals. Oh these's kind of a blur already isn't it? Sooo many...too many... so let's just talk about the memorable ones. I'm sure I'm missing something...but it really was too many and when they all have the same conversation with Brad about how much he's changed and how he's been in intense therapy---they all start to become one pathetic person.
  • Fangs--The fact that she stayed night one---tells me Brad's therapy was the biggest waste of money known to man! So not not mysterious...just plan stupid. You heard of Fandango....well I say...Fang-go-home! He's not ready to get married and settle down if he chose her to stay. Seriously, you can see your unborn children in that psycho's eyes? (Yes, I did kinda just quote a Bryan Adams song)--no you can't so either you were put up to keeping her around (which is what I suspect) or your therapy isn't working.
  • Rockett--Uh ...I think I saw your who ha...way to leave NOTHING to the imagination.
  • That pretty mom---not the tragedy one but the other mom---that crazy animal print dress tells me she's probably an animal herself---and what does that mean to a non-animal person like me? It means I don't like her. Don't know why yet...but I'm sure she won't be a person I like.
  • Manscaper--Love it...not sure I love her for him....but it was funny to watch her in action.
  • Blonde mom with a sob story--I'll admit it...she has my vote. I'm a sucker for happy endings and well...when I heard about little Ricky...well...she got the Linda vote. (which means nothing if you've read my other prediction of winning streaks officially ended with DWTS--when Misty May ruined my 8 year run. GRRRRRR)
  • That chick that kept trying to get some alone time with him--did she make it to the next round?? All I know, is she defined the word PATHETIC. Give it up already.
  • The first impression chick-- I liked her but that whole, "If you just need a friend to escape to during this whole thing" line- made me throw up a little.

That's about all I can offer tonight. I will be watching and I do see that this season will deliver what I so need...TRASH and CHEESE! Bring it baby!!!

I'll be mack...I mean back!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Final Rose

By's no secret...Roberto is the lucky guy that one Ali's heart. I don't have much to comment. I'm obviously really sad for Chris. What a good guy. He took the break up better than most did when they were let go the first night. Even during the After the Final Rose special--he still held his gorgeous head high and realized that she loved some one more. There was nothing he felt stupid about and nothing that he needed to be embarrassed about. He better be the next Bachelor. In fact, that's why I think he handled everything so well, he's probably already in filming for his season.

A few general comments:

1. Roberto's suit...I can't even comment. I'll just use my best friends Facebook post...because it was said beautifully..."Why did they make Roberto climb 12 flights of stairs in a jacket that didn't fit?!?!? He wanted to unbutton that thing the whole way up!" AMEN Rachel...AMEN! The only thing that was too big in that whole ensemble was that collar that covered half his face! Sheesh!

2. I'm so glad she let Chris go with some dignity the day before. I'm sure she wants us to think it was her idea...but the come on Ali...we weren't born yesterday. She had to let him go that day cause the rainbow was there that day! LOL---All kidding aside...her break up speech with Cape Cod Chris---started out HORRIBLY! Get it together missy and say it better than you did okay!

I think that about covers it.

And so...we end another season. I somehow think they'll make it!

On to the next show...Bachelor Pad baby!!!

Signing off...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tahiti and the Fantasy Suites

Okay---we're finally winding down to the big finale. It's funny to think of how far we've come and the losers we've had to endure to get here.---However, do you all agree that a 2 hour episode was a little much yesterday? Considering--the Frank drama was soooo drawn out---we could have cut it down by 1/2 hour. But anyway...I can assure you I will get down to business and try and hit the highlights and not drag out this sucker longer than it needs to be.

Okay first off, we get to hear what Frank's drama is all about pretty early on...(after all the recapping of the final 3 from the first night to now). And by now, we all know that Frank apparently has discovered through this journey that although he really really has a connection with Ali and is falling for her---he might still have feelings for his ex...Nicole. After he walked the freaking 50 miles through the streets of Chicago, he gets to her hotel room? Uh...I think a cab would have probably gotten you there in record time. Anyway...she's so surprised that she doesn't even question..."uh...excuse me???? who are these camera men? Where is my talent and release form for signature???"--I know...I're right...they probably edited that out. Once she happily lets him in. He begins by telling her how great Ali much he likes connected he feels to her---hmmm...was anyone else thinking--is this your master plan to get Nicole back? And of course Nicole, sits there and listens and no doubt is waiting for him to say...BUT I love you...instead, he said, "I had to come back here and see if all this confusion I was feeling was because I still had feelings for you"--I might have missed it...but I think she said she still wants him back and that life is awful without him and then they hug, cry, kiss, and snuggle...and he tells the camera crew he knows what he needs to do...not Nicole...well...not right away at least. He then reveals to Nicole that he must travel to Tahiti and let Ali know what he's decided. couldn't get the producers to send her a message? You just had to go to all the way to paradise with a humongo suitcase to break it off??? Way to get a free trip out of it. I was convinced Nicole was in the suitcase.
Now....let me go on record to say that if it were me...and my ex came over and was talking of getting back with me...the first thing I'd ask him is, "Did you sleep with this chick?" I guess that doesn't matter to her---or wait...another editing decision I bet. I wouldn't have taken that fool back---but that's just me. on to paradise.
Her first date was with Roberto... not much to say other than they flew (another fear of flying B.S. reminder on Ali's part) to what they kept calling a heart shaped reef or island...looked more like a kidney bean to me...or as my dear friend Katie put it...a boomerang. was gorgeous, they seemed to be enjoying themselves A LOT. Then dinner time came around and Roberto put on his serious face only to tell her that he thinks he falling in love with her. She pulls out the slut card---(the fantasy suite invitation card) and I love how every guy looked surprised to see it. Of course they decide to use it. Thankfully there were no fireworks or volcano eruption visuals.

Next day...she goes on her date with Cape Cod Chris. As you all know I love the dude...but enough about your mom and family...okay?--I mean, I know that makes him endearing to us all but it's kinda of mood killer, too. So they also get to see the beautiful scenery from a "top of the line" catamaran. They seem to be having a wonderful time, a lot of snuggling and laughing. Then they half arrive at their destination and they have to swim to their private little island. I could not stop busting up at the fact that---I'm pretty sure Chris expected they would jump in ...freestyle swim to the island and then have time for snuggle snuggle...but instead Ali had other ideas...she wants to start snuggling right away and I don't know about you...but his egg-beater treading water kick...looked a little difficult with her hanging all over him. Sheesh...give the guy a second to catch his breath. Then they finally reach the part of the ocean they can stand in and I noticed he had some very handy aqua socks to protect his footsies---while she's hanging all over him. More kissing...laughing...pearl finding (I bet he makes her some jewelry with those pearls for the finale) and then dinner time. Man oh man...he really put it all out there. He told her he sees his whole future with her, he will live anywhere with her, and that he loves her! This guy is so gonna get a broken heart. Once again...the slut card comes out and he acts surprised and then of course they jump on that!

The next day...we have to endure a face to face with Chris Harrison and Frank about what he's decided and how he's going to tell Ali...How about..."Peace out chick...thanks for the awesome trip around the world, but my girlfriend is packed in my suitcase and I'd like to see Tahiti with her!"

We finally have the break up, she's way to devastated...I mean just slept with 2 other can you be so upset. I think a thank you would have been in order. Thank you for not making me have to pick someone tonight. The one thing that scares me is the foreshadowing that took place. She kept going on and on about how this really shook her to the core and now she's second guessing if any of these guys are there for her. STUPID woman!

Well folks...I will skip over all the tears and major cry fests between them both and just say...that I think she's got 2 good guys left and if she decides to leave everything to find love and then chooses to stay alone...well then....Good freaking riddance!

Next week, we get a break from Ali and her drama and get to watch the men tell all. That should be good. All the psychos are back in full force. Just think...we have Whoa Hair, Forehead, Kasey the Deaf who will guard and protect her heart, Weatherman---oh man...that is gonna be good.

Well until next week,
Don't forget to stop and smell the roses.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So Ali meets the families...

Last night...on the Bachelorette, we saw Ali visit 4 hometowns---these are the highlights and my thoughts.

First, she visits Roberto's hometown. Although, I will agree that he looked quite yummy in his baseball uniform, HANDS DOWN the hottest uniform a man can wear is military fatigues. HANDS DOWN! And lucky me...I get to see that once a month. Anyway...moving on.
The date looked like a lot of fun and Ali seemed to enjoy herself (that chick laughs at everything...sheesh). The family seemed nice. Very Romanian-esc to have a Roberto Sr. and the mother named Olga and the daughter named Olga. PEOPLE...there are other names out there for your kids! My favorite part was when Roberto's mother said, "If you love Ali then propose her!" HYSTERICAL. I love my little immigrants! I also noticed, the men in Roberto's family (with the exception of Sr.---like the white girls) I'm sure Ali was pleased to see that! That pretty much sums up that date. I knew she'd have a good time and that she'd comment at least 7 times how hot he is. Funny, she didn't mention that to his family. When they asked her, what was it about Roberto?--Her true answer should have been, "He's hot!" Instead, she gave this B.S. about he was funny and nice and there was just a feeling. (A feeling of LUST...but whatever.)

Second baby Cape Cod Chris.
I would like to go on record that when she breaks his heart---I will cry. He is the sweetest most adorable guy I've ever seen on the show. I'm not quite sure how he manages to be so sweet, so caring, and so manly all at once. His family---what little treasures they were. His father---still so in love with his late wife. His brothers and sisters-in-law wanting Chris to finally find love. All of it just melted my heart. I also love how he told her--"There is nothing to worry about because I would never have brought you here if I wasn't sure I liked you, and I like you. You make me smile and you make me happy." Then he also got me with the fact that he said, "I'm sad and a little jealous that my mom will never be able to see me happy like she did my brothers!" Cue the tears! Oh Ali...don't be stupid! Pick him...marry him!---And since we know you probably won't pick the good guy---ABC...please make him the next Bachelor and give him the sweetest woman EVER! I could go on and on about this date...but it will just turn into a cry fest.

3rd date with Kirk and his families...EEEKs...scary stuff. I feel bad for the guy who has to split his life between both parents and I feel bad he was sent home, but that little trip down to the basement sealed the deal and we all know it. As many of you know...I'm not an animal person, but that basement and those freezers had me screaming and wanting to run for the hills. Did you all notice that when Ali was forced to talk to Kirk's dad in that dungeon, that she was practically curled up in the fetal position? Was it really necessary to have their one on one talk down there!? What was even more annoying is---In the real world, Kirk would have warned Ali that his father is a huge taxidermist--right? How do you not tell the gal that you want to introduce to your dad, that he's kinda weird and will most likely show you his hobby workshop. Another case of Bachelorette B.S. At any rate...Ali just didn't seem at ease with his family (even though at every home town she talked about how she can see herself there! LIES!)

4th and final date with "Hi...we can share clothes" Frank---What the heck was he wearing? I'll tell you what he was wearing, a woman's military jacket, a woman's white v-neck t-shirt, and his grandmother's cardigan (also v-neck)---for that look alone--I would have picked Kirk to stay one more week. I'm not a fan of Frank. I think he's a little deranged and has psycho tendencies and I'm waiting anxiously to see what goes down in Tahiti with that brunette he visits! Based on that preview--I think we can safely assume Cape Cod Chris and Roberto are the final two.

As I mentioned many times before...when she breaks Cape Cod Chris's heart---not if...but when---I will suggest that she be killed and her body be given to Kirk's dad! If Chris isn't the one...please let him go now and don't string him along.

Well folks...that about covers it...
Until next week...don't forget to stop and smell the roses


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who cares what happened with Ali...let's talk Vienna & Jake

Hey guys...
By my post title you can see that I'm more interested in covering the FIREWORKS from the last 30 minutes of The Bachelorette---but because this is the Ali season, I'll give you guys a quick...and I do mean quick recap of the episode and then we'll get to what we're all excited about this morning. Jakie poo and Vienna Sausage having it out on TV.

The season in my opinion has reached a BORING point. All the drama is gone, all the weirdos have been released back into the real world (what a scary thought) and now we are to wait and see which of the "normal" dudes will make it to the end. SHE BETTER PICK SOMEONE. I've heard some rumors that she doesn't and let me go on record as saying... for a girl that left everything to find better stinking find it missy!

Okay... so she's in Portugal with 5 dudes...Roberto, Ty, Frank, Kirk, and Cape Cod Chris.
She was very distracted and worried this week about her choices on whose families she should meet. None of the dates really impressed me. How many freaking castles can you go to? The part where Cape Cod had to drive that scooter was just embarrassing for him---but better safe than sorry. His gift to her was given at a very appropriate time. He flat out said, I didn't want to give this to you until I was sure I had feelings for you...well played... my friend...well played. He still seems a little awkward around her, goofy almost, but I think he's the nicest guy for her. It's definitely between him and Roberto- (well, if it were up to me) make a blog entry short and sweet...Ty gets the big COWBOY boot. It wasn't a good fit. Sorry buddy. I think she made the right choice.

Next week, we hopefully get to see the drama unfold with Frank and that woman he visits---but maybe that's a not for another 2 weeks. The one thing I'm thrilled about is that the taxidermy guy isn't Cape Cod's dad. Whew! on to what we all want to talk about...THE BREAK UP HEARD AROUND THE WORLD.

First off, I have to admit, other than catching some clips of break up news on, I have not actually read any of the magazine articles about the break up. I didn't realize that Vienna really did seek out magazines that could tell her side of the story. Probably not the best move on her part (but what do we expect from the girl that EVERYONE hated in the house)--But even with that low blow from her---for the record I wasn't as disgusted by her as Jake was---I think Jake is a total psycho! What a master manipulator. He's the type of guy that can keep his cool and make anyone look irrational. HOW INFURIATING! Seriously...any guy that clearly has a temper that can keep his cool like that is one I'd avoid like the PLAGUE. Can we say, "He could go postal at any minute?" (cue creepy Twilight Zone music now) Of course, Vienna was constantly interrupting and being very immature, but I blame Jake. He was the one that got to pick his girl, right? So then, if you wanted a woman that would never question you or challenge you---THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE PICKED TENELY!!!!! She would have sat there and let you run the show and been thrilled that you "appreshiet" her! (I hated that way Tenely used to say appreciate!)

2 things stood out to me yesterday---that I feel are worth mentioning.
1. I loved when the two of them brought up her dog (who was so sick it needed IV's---I WON'T even go there!) and Chris Harrison said..."Okay guys...nobody cares about that!"---PURE COMEDY! and
2. When Vienna said, "Oh you're a pilot---you haven't flown a plan in over a year!---exactly what my beef is with the man! That fool needs to re up his flying license!

So the 2 sweethearts that were madly in love threw back insult after insult and pointed fingers the rest of the interview and then we had the major, "STOP INTERRUPTING ME!"--and bam...major tears and a very dramatic storming out by Vienna!

My thoughts--
I don't think she cheated.
She was stupid to tell the tabloids her side of the story---and her reasoning behind it was weak (the whole--Jake would have done it first, bit)
I think he's a nut job.
I think he is indeed a "fame whore"---why are you not in Texas being a pilot?
I kinda think he might be gay.
and finally---I blame him. He was the bachelor with 25 women vying for his affection. He had all the proof he needed in the house what type of person Vienna was---and he chose the absolute EXACT opposite of what he claimed he wanted (a woman that would support him and stand behind him and HIS decisions and basically let him run the show). The entire US of A saw that
Vienna was opinionated and strong and was not going to just sit pretty while Jake calls all the shots---But somehow Jake missed that. I guess it must have been the nightie she showed up in or the mud make out fest they had that distracted his thinking.

So friends...that was indeed the best part of the night for me. And contrary to what I've heard others say, it didn't look fake. It looked real. I think it was was real. Not like that bull we got when Jason and Melissa broke up on TV. That was pretty lame.

One final excited am I for the Bachelor Pad??? You have no idea! A blogger's DREAM!

Until next week...don't forget to stop and smell the roses


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And then there were 5

Finally...Forehead went home. Did he really think he stood a chance? That fool couldn't even fit his bulbous head in a ball cap and he thinks he's in the running? He had to expect something was off when of all the guys left, he was the only one without a one on one date...BUT---somehow rolling around covered in olive oil with a bunch of dudes did not secure your place in Ali's heart. ooops...once again...I'm jumping ahead of myself.

Let's first go back to the first 10 minutes of the show where we not only find out that they are in Turkey, but that Rated R---is exactly what the men suspected all along. A BIG FAT PHONY! What I find extremely irritating is how Ali was told that he had a girlfriend...That freakazoid from last season---Jessie..the very unmemorable one is once again at the root of exposing a person's past. For those that don't remember her---she was that little mouse that also ratted out Rosalyn's affair at the Girls Tell All ceremony. My question to you all is...where does that little rat hang out, huh? In the dark alleys of people's scandalous pasts? Sheesh??? Why do you know so much about all these people's secrets? Are you an undercover reporter? Paparazzi?---At this rate that girl will be working for The Insider in no time.

Well...Ali was of course pissed at the fact that this fool has been lying to her all along. I don't actually think Ali wanted Rated R---but the fact that he was playing her...would get anyone mad! I loved how she called him out in front of all the guys and how he just got up and walked out...WHAT A LOSER!!!! Then after he had enough running through flower planters and fountains---he decides to hobble over and talk to Ali about what has been happening...only to confirm to all of us that he is a LIAR!!!! Thank you ABC for airing the messages he left for his girl back home. And girl back home...I'm pretty sure you're relationship with him is OVER--especially after this.

Once that drama ended we got to see Ty go on his first one on one date with Ali to a steam room that only men are allowed to enter---yet somehow Ali got special privileges to enter. She totally desecrated that place forever more! The two give each other massages and kiss and then she corners him into answering all the questions she had about his past marriage and so forth. She loves his openness and honesty and bam...a rose is given. I think he's a good guy, but I just don't see him being the one for her. I also don't see the chemistry she has with Roberto when I see the 2 of them.

The next day...Kirk, Cape Cod Chris, Roberto, and Forehead have to literally fight for some one on one time with Ali. They are expected to Olive Oil wrestle professionals and then each other. How humiliating. After a huge struggle...Forehead wins the coveted prize of a boat ride with Ali. But as we all know...that does not secure his spot to advance to the next round (I know it sounds like a game show...but technically that's what it is folks).

The final part of last night's episode included another one on one date with Frank...the stalker. He is getting a little too creepy for me. BUT...she apparently likes him. I sorta tuned the whole date out...especially the dress up and the rug buying...but alas...Frankster gets another rose and he's sitting pretty the night of the cocktail party. We also find out that Ali does not need a cocktail party because she knows who she has not connected with. No surprise really...the forehead must have gotten in the way of all the connecting she hoped she'd have with him.

And that pretty much sums it up. As I sat there and watched what was coming up in the next few episodes...I noticed a very very absent Cape Cod Chris from the previews...I think he gets the boot next week and it's probably for being the only guy to wear sneakers at the rose ceremony. Geez Louise Mr. Hotness...make a little effort please. But seriously...I fear his lack of appearance proves he's out. Stupid stupid girl!

Looks like the final three will be Roberto, Kirk, and Frank (who we all see has some drama saved for her, too)

Well...until next week...don't forget...stop and smell the roses
